Findbyclick is an interesting website. It allows users a simple method to view places of interest and even add their own locations. The site relies on information from local users to populate locations on Google maps.
As an avid coffee drinker, I love this! I looked up my local Starbucks on the map and was pleased to see it. The quality and quantity of information on the site is based on the users who submit locations of interest to display on the maps.
Findbyclick also has some coffee stats including the number of Tim Hortons and Starbucks by province/state. I’m not sure of the accuracy of the numbers here, but it’s interesting to look at nonetheless.
My only question now is, when will they have real-time line tracking to tell me the best time to avoid the long line-ups for my non-fat vanilla bean latte?
I guess coffee-Holic will wait as long as they get their light ice americano :)